Monday, December 22, 2008

And now for my response...

Update to previous was my reply to "trentheer" on

Wow. I can't say I've ever received a message on match like yours before. Maybe I should feel priviledged that you contacted me, since I'm so desperate and lonely? Actually, I use this site as a way to meet men, fuck and then dump them for their money.
So, if you:
a) make more than 6 figures
b) are bigger than 7"
c) and can use the word "disingenuous" in a sentence
then we are a match.

If not, fuck off.

Remy -->

Hmm...maybe I'm PMSing this week...

Not so desperate not quite housewife

Ok, so as if my week weren't bad enough with all of my latest TJ drama and dating men old enough to be my great uncle, I get this message on today.

"I was looking through all these ads here on the internet thinking to myself "Look at all the poor, desperate, lonely women..." and then I saw your ad and thought to myself "Hey, here's a poor, desperate, lonely woman that's actually CUTE..." so I thought I'd write and see if you're as interesting on the inside as you are in this picture..."

Is he trying to compliment me or piss me off? I'm not sure. For any single men out there who may have stumbled across my site, this is definitely a "dating DON'T" unless of course, you want to remain dateless for the rest of your remaining days.

On a different note, just to scare you a bit more...I've learned through experience that men over 50 can not get it up NOR keep it there. Hmm....funny, that must be why women over 50 have pool boys. Sign me up now.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

My intuition strikes again

So in the past, I've shared that I'm able to predict things like pregnancies and the sex of babies for my friends. I've also alerted friends to things like gas leaks in their homes and people taking advantage of them monetarily. As it relates to family, I was able to predict the day and cause of death of my grandfather as well.

Well, what I haven't talked about as much are the dreams I've had around terrorist or criminal activites. Mainly because, to date, I haven't been able to predict any exact timeframes or locations of the activities AND sometimes the dreams come to me as the activity is taking place.

My first dream came a few weeks before 9/11. I had a dream that I was in a stairwell with a group of people and we were running down the stairs at a rapid pace. People kept asking why we weren't going up the stairs...and I didn't know the answer. I only knew that heading down was the right thing to do. I woke up perplexed, because in most dreams heading up is the positive decision and down represents the wrong choice - the whole "heaven vs. hell" connotation.

My next dream came the night of the London bus bombings. I think I had this dream as the event actually took place. I was in a hospital emergency room comforting two young girls who had been badly burned.

Well, back to my reason for this blog. Today in the news there is an article about two women who are missing:

I had a dream over the summer that a man in a red pickup truck approached me as I was kneeling down to tie my jogging shoes. He was an older man with a head full of gray hair. He told me to get in the truck and he said he was going to rape me. I was terrified and ran in the opposite direction. I think I was at the Dublin Library or some other public parking lot.

What is interesting about this story, is that one of the abducted women borrowed a red dodge pickup truck that day and authorities believe that could have been the vehicle used to abduct these two women. Also, they have a suspect in custody who was a convicted rapist. What I'm curious to know is what he looks like...

That dream was so vivid that it took me a couple of days to shake it off, but I've constantly been on the lookout for a red pickup truck ever since.

How do I tap into this skill I have earlier so that I can do some good with it? That is the real question.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

An unfinished story

she didn't realize that today was that day. that day that she wanted to forget - the day she hoped would never come again and the day it all happened one year ago. not suprisingly, she had blocked it from her mind until, at breakfast, as she opened the paper, she saw it...Tuesday, October 14, 2008. Right there in black and white. She threw the paper down as if it burned her and pushed her chair back from the table - it rocked so violently that her coffee spilled all over the business section and onto the floor.

she knew she couldn't handle this day and she was dreading it's return. just when she thought she'd gotten over it and moved past, it all came back to her in a flood of memories.

it started much like any other fall day, the air was crisp and cool, the leaves were turning from green to yellow...and she was happy and in love.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Beach....a love story

Yes, Remy is vacationing with her MOM and STEPDAD in North Carolina. Wow...that sounds even more lame when you see it in writing. Anyway, I am having a good time, relatively speaking. I would rather be hanging out at some beach bar downing a few martini's or slimy-green monsters, but I guess going to bed at 10 is just as fun after having that one glass of wine...

Or maybe I'd like to be making out with some hot surfer dude in the sand after dark...but watching my parents play Monopoly with my son is just as much fun....

I have been taking lovely walks down the beach with my 14 year old cousin...that could be considered semi-romanticAL if she was a 39 year old man who wasn't related to me, right?!

All jokes aside, I've been having a nice time working on my tan and relaxing. It's been nice not thinking about work or my house or anything -- but I do really miss my friends. We need to get together soon after I'm home this weekend!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I looked through the peephole.

Look not through the peephole lest you'll be vext. So I checked out R's myspace page today. BIG MISTAKE. There it was in black and white - status: ENGAGED. Yes, he asked his new girlfriend S to marry him. UGH. She has my life with him. Pictures on her site show him posing with her two kids - what a lovely stepdad he'll be.

Ok, I know I'm an idiot for looking, but come on! Engaged, really? We only broke up in January. Apparently she's a flight attendant....

I have no more to say about this. just UGH.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Artist in Hiding Emerges

So I've got my artistic vision back! In the last two weeks, I've completed 2 new collages and have another in development. TJ and Peggy have been integral in helping me get back into the swing of things - also having additional free time while "working from home" helps, too. The next one in development is for a very good friend of mine....hopefully she will like it!

I'd like to try to further incorporate poetry into my art. I have a lot of material that I wrote as a teenager that I may be able to use going forward. I was so full of angst back then (not much different than now, I suppose.)

Anyway - here's to creative thought and artistic movement! Rock on!