Tuesday, October 14, 2008

An unfinished story

she didn't realize that today was that day. that day that she wanted to forget - the day she hoped would never come again and the day it all happened one year ago. not suprisingly, she had blocked it from her mind until, at breakfast, as she opened the paper, she saw it...Tuesday, October 14, 2008. Right there in black and white. She threw the paper down as if it burned her and pushed her chair back from the table - it rocked so violently that her coffee spilled all over the business section and onto the floor.

she knew she couldn't handle this day and she was dreading it's return. just when she thought she'd gotten over it and moved past, it all came back to her in a flood of memories.

it started much like any other fall day, the air was crisp and cool, the leaves were turning from green to yellow...and she was happy and in love.

1 comment:

LolaPeg said...

I wants to hear the rest of the story!!!!