Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Ok, so this is the first Christmas in as long as I can remember that I've been almost completely alone. I am so not good being alone.

This month has been full of surprises. Some good, some that really suck. On the good side, I got a clean bill of health from a specialist that I went to see, woo hoo. R and I are back together and doing well - in fact he wants me to meet his mother and sister later this week! On the crappy side, my consulting job at a very large retail company is no longer. And one of my best girlfriends has moved away, and most of my other friends are MIA. Maybe I've offended them? Who knows.

I'm spending entirely too much time alone this holiday and I'm not dealing well with it. I really need to go out and have some alcohol-induced fun.

I realize now that I should have planned a few more things to do this week that I'm off work. I've been sitting at home the entire day today and I'm starting to go out of my mind. How am I going to occupy my time for 3 more days?!


Anonymous said...

By calling us, duh! We'll bring some liquor if you supply the blender and ice... and *ahem* keep your panties on this time. Just kidding about them panties, you can take them off if you really want.

OMG. Ok, I'll stop.

Seriously though, a holiday bash would be fun! Call Peggahdizzle and set it up :-D

Anonymous said...

Am I crazy for just noticing you refer to both the handyman and the ex as "R"? Which is which? I assume you're talking about "THE R." The same one as in the first post?

LolaPeg said...

Jimmie!!! You and your talk of panties. I think someone is out there playin' for both teams! Whatever happen to "eeeeewwww, boobies????" ROFL!

Remy, sorry I was MIA!!! I really did not mean it. Trust me, would have much rather been hangin' with friends! It was awesome seeing ya today and fun catching up. And great meeting R.

Anonymous said...


I don't do vag!


Anonymous said...

Is it just me, or are you slacking on your blog? Surely there must have been something interesting going on in your life between December and now?