Friday, November 30, 2007

MuncHOUSEn's Syndrome

Ok, so you know that awful disease that some parents get when they posion their kids so that they get sick and then the parent gets attention from everyone? Well, I have a new version of that syndrome. MuncHOUSEn's syndrome. I'm purposely breaking things around my house so that my hot new "Mr. Fixit" guy comes to visit....

I sure hope he knows plumbing....mine!


So is this guy really hitting on me? Here's an exerpt of our email string....start at the bottom.

If you have anything that needs done around your home feel free to email or call. I am pretty good with my hands and would be happy to help out.
Looking forward to working with you…
Have a wonderful day Remy.

Hi R,

Thanks for getting back to me. It runs but doesn’t get cold and it makes a strange noise. I broke down and bought a new one that is being delivered on Friday, but at the last minute, I thought to contact you to see if you might be able to fix it. It wasn’t an expense I was happy to have right before Christmas, considering all the other repairs I had to have done in November.

On the positive side, my furnace is working great! I appreciate your help with that.

If you know anyone who you could recommend who does odd jobs/handyman stuff, I’d appreciate the referral. It seems like something is always broken around my place and I’m not the greatest with tools.

Take care,



What seems to be the problem ?? I know a little about refrigerators but not a whole lot. I did have a good Thanksgiving… How was yours?? Is your furnace working good?? Glad to hear from you…


You wouldn’t happen to be able to fix refrigerators, would you? Believe it or not, my fridge went out last week. Thought I’d check before calling around.

Hope you had a good Thanksgiving,



LolaPeg said...

Holy shit...just do the handyman and get it oveh with! ;) I don't know...he seems friendly enough. About the only thing he said that is half provacative is "he is good with his hands". But maybe you are reading it that way. I thought Barry Salmons was being naughty when he said he wanted to "message my data". I mean, I was connecting dots that did not exist because he was so f'ing hot. Hey, do you ever see him. Is he still hot??? Damn...I've got some data for him. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Mmmmm hot handymen. Seriously, get on him (or under, depending on what you're into)... I mean.... uhhh. Yeah :-)

So next time you have to get us a picture so we can see how hot this studly stallion is. *laugh*