Wednesday, November 28, 2007

House on Haunted Hill

Ok, so i think my house is trying to kill me. It's true. First, it tried to drown me by breaking the sump pump and spewing water all over my basement. I think it was hoping to catch me on the treadmill working out and either a)electrocute me or b)hope that I would trip and hit my head and drown in the 2" of water on the ground. Either way, it wasn't good.

Secondly, it tried to freeze me out by making the furnace fan not work. It acutally got down to almost 60 degrees - yes, I said 60! in my house. Of course, all I had to do was put on another sweater and some long underwear and I was all good, but it didn't know that. It hoped that I would die of exposure in my bed. HA! Foiled again.

Thirdly, it killed my refrigerator in hopes that I would never leave the house and starve b/c I had no cold or frozen food to eat or cook. Man, my house is dumb, doesn't it know that I go out at least 3 times a week and I have Donatos on speed dial?

And D) it thought by making my cd player in my car not work, that I would stay home watching daytime television and die of boredom.

All I can say is, HOUSE BRING IT ON!! What's next?? A tornado in December??!! Ha - I don't think so.


Anonymous said...

I'm sure the furnace man would have cuddled with you in your bed if you had batted your eyes a little more! ;-P

Remy said...

LOL. Actually...there is a story there!! He's now becoming my "handyman" I need to fill you in!

LolaPeg said...

By the way, did you ever get that water cooler installed????

Remy said...

OMG - I totally thought about my BRING it on Comment last night - I thought for sure we were going to have a tornado!! My karma is really THAT bad!