Sunday, November 11, 2007


First let me thank Lola for encouraging me to do this, before I get too far along into my first tirade.

Not sleeping well tonight. Was dumped earlier today by R who seemed to think that it is ok to breakup with somone over the phone. Someone who he claimed to love just a few days before. Men never cease to amaze me at their ability to waffle. They say they want a relationship, in fact, they pursue you to have a relationship, then once you commit, they freak out and run in the opposite direction.

The integrity of the men that I've dated is appaling. I don't know how I attract such idiots. This one in particular, R, is in the military and going to nursing school - you would think he would be an integral person, you know? But, in the end, he disapoints. Go figure.

What I hate the most is that I've exposed my son to this man and his children. And now my child has to feel what I feel - loss, abandonment, disapointment - and he has to deal with my horrible moodiness and depression around this right now. I'm so sad that I've put him through this.


LolaPeg said...

Grrrr. Men. The secret is to keep them guessing and never, ever commit 100%. ;) And always play the field. OH, I am joking...about playing the field.

Anonymous said...

Yargh. Men are just about worthless :-/ Those idiots give the rest of us a bad rap.

Oh yeah, thanks for dinner on Sunday! It rocked!

LolaPeg said...

Hey, dinner did rock! It was lots of fun.